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Thursday 19 March 2009

How often....

Running performance programmes we often meet people who invent a 'glass ceiling' for themselves - That is, they 'believe' that they can't go any further or do any more.

Our role is to release their potential by getting their psychology to work with them rather than against them - There are several ways we can do this and showing video's is one of them. Their Potential, Plus psychology allows people to move forward and achieve even more than they thought possible.

Watch the video and consider 'How often....' for you.


  1. Hi Mark, that was a strong message well presented and has made me sit back and think for a few moments. Regards Arnie.

  2. Brilliant! Love it - I particularly like your choice of first sentence - about people inventing their own glass ceiling. I think that will really grab viewer's attention as soon as they click into the site - and will make them want to know more. The site is simple, well-presented and gives an honest picture both of yourself as a personality, and of the work you do. Great stuff! Thea


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