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Friday 25 September 2009

Are you Hungry?

One of the recommendations in our programmes is that you take time out to see motivational speakers. Naturally it makes sense that we do the same. Here's one we thought you'd like, Les Brown talking about being Hungry.

Being Hungry means you have the desire. Being Hungry means you are relentless. Being Hungry means you push and push. Being Hungry means you get the results.

While you watch the video think about yourself - are you truly Hungry? Are you doing everything you can or are you playing safe?

What about your people? Are you recruiting the Hungry people or the okay people? And once in your organisation what do you do to keep them Hungry?

At Potential Plus, we can help you develop that Hunger even if your people seem a little full....

Monday 3 August 2009

8 Top Tips For Staying Positive

In these times of uncertainty it can be difficult to stay focused on being positive even though we know this is the best way to get our results - Here are a few top tips to regain that focus

1 Raise the bar.
Billy Ocean said it in the 80's "When the going gets tough the tough get going" and that couldn’t be more true right now. What ever type of organisation you work for this is the time to put in more effort than you normally do, focusing on the activities that bring you results. Remember: Anyone can succeed when the conditions are easy, it’s the tough times that really define you.

2 Step away from the negative people.
You know who they are - the people who leave you drained, the misery's who single handedly are able to bring you down to their level. Seek out the positive people and spend your time with them - leave the negative ones behind.

3 Turn on but tune out.
Have you noticed how the media delight in telling us how bad things are all the time -And the more we listen the more we start to believe their messages. If you want to stay positive then turn off the TV news and watch something more interesting instead, ditch the paper for an interesting magazine and play CD's in the car rather than listen to the news every half hour.

4 Celebrate your successes.
The easiest way to get depressed is to focus on all the failures you’ve had in your life - And boy, haven't you had some? However, recognise we are all human and by definition we all have failures, challenges and bad times and guess what - the more we focus on them the more we feel negative. Funny that when we focus on our successes we feel so much better - so make a list and tell people about success you've had.

5 Choose your attitude every day.
How do you start your day? Is it a struggle to get out of bed and accompanied with a huge yawn? Try an energising start by throwing off the covers and leaping up and shout at yourself in the mirror - It's going to be a fantastic day! You'll be buzzing all morning.

6 Smile and be bright.
It's long since been known that our physiology dictates our mood so if you slump, walk slowly and look down all the time you'll find it hard to be positive. Next time you are walking along imagine that you’ve just won the lottery and you are on your way collect your winnings. I guarantee your head will be held high, there'll be a spring in your step and a smile on your face - that'll keep them guessing!

7 Get fit.
Exercise makes you feel better - we all know that but what are you doing about it? Go for a jog before work, park your car away from the office and walk the last few miles, get off the bus before your stop, use the stairs rather than the lift and then visit the gym on the way home from work. Exercise is good for you and it’ll make you look and feel great.

8 Self develop
When was the last time you did any self development? Attend a course, read a self development book or listen to one in the car on the way to and from work - You'll feel so good applying your new found knowledge & skills others will wonder what has happened to you!

Tuesday 21 April 2009

Moments of Truth

Moments of Truth can make or break your company, are you and your team 'bright' or 'dull'?

Jan Carlzon wrote a book in the eighties called Moments of Truth and in it he tells the extraordinary story of turning the lacklustre, state-run, Scandinavian Airlines System (SAS) into a profitable business. The central element to Carlzon's turnaround was the 'Moment of Truth', which he defined as any interaction between the company and it's customer. Examples for your company could include sales visits, phone calls, letters, emails and even the look of the company building!- In fact anything that gives the customer an opportunity to form (or change) their perception about your company. He categorised them into 'bright' and 'dull' Moments of Truth - The larger the number of 'bright' moments your customer experienced, the greater likely hood your customer would return.

Research suggests that in a face to face contact it takes approximately 4 minutes for a customer to form their perception during a Moment of Truth, no matter how long the interaction lasts. The customer has a wealth of information to take in - appearance, handshake, demeanour and verbal communication. So, those first 4 minutes are crucial, as any interviewer will tell you.

By contrast, on the telephone it takes between 4 to 14 seconds for the customer to make up their mind about you and your company and they are mainly assessing your voice tone. Not surprisingly, contact centres spend a lot of time ensuring their agents sound interested when they take/make that call (don't they?)

So, what bright Monments of Truth are you creating today? And what about your team.....

Thursday 19 March 2009

How often....

Running performance programmes we often meet people who invent a 'glass ceiling' for themselves - That is, they 'believe' that they can't go any further or do any more.

Our role is to release their potential by getting their psychology to work with them rather than against them - There are several ways we can do this and showing video's is one of them. Their Potential, Plus psychology allows people to move forward and achieve even more than they thought possible.

Watch the video and consider 'How often....' for you.

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