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Sunday 7 August 2011

See the Future

As some of you know, I like to ride my motorbike at trackdays and last week I went to Silverstone. It was a fantastic day however it was a new track for me so I had to learn my way around. During the down time between sessions (20mins on track, 40 mins off) I had a chance to reflect on how I was doing - I found myself thinking and visulising negatively "Humm, better watch out on that corner as it sharpens up, I could go wide there" and after an anouncement about oil on Stowe corner "It must be slippy there better make sure I don't crash". Have a look at this video of John Hopkins who went to Oulton Park near Manchester for the first time this year riding in the British SuperBike series.

So the question is, what does John 'think' about when he is studying the track. I'm guessing it's not like me and about falling off. I imagine that he is thinking about being fast, safe and confident and visulising what that looks like, feels like, and even sounds like. And after he has finished visualising the track, the winners podium is next!
I recognised what I was doing and refocused on the same things that I imagine John did, being fast, safe and confident. I started running a video of a fast, safe, confident lap many times in my head. The results - my fastest laps were definitely in the afternoon sessions and I stayed shiny side up!

So how do we apply this to the business world? Well, exactly the same process, just working out what good would look like in your situation. For example, if you had to present an idea to the CEO, the Board or the MD of your organisation how many of us would wake up in the middle of the night worrying about how would cope with all the applause? Maybe we should....John does.
Your challenge is to catch yourself thinking negatively and then focus on success and visualise how that would be for the situation itself and afterwards - I'm already thinking about my next trackday...

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